Under Your Skin
Under Your Skin is a journey of discovery into the human body. Play a song using the sounds of the body, take a 3D look into a brain, fight an evil virus and see your own body through a thermal camera.
How can we humans be so alike – and yet so unique? How does our fascinating body work, and how does it change depending on our lifestyle, and as we get older?
The exhibition is packed with entertaining and instructive experiments that will give you a new perspective on your own body.
Foto: David Trood
The activities in the exhibition explores four aspects of the human body:
As part of our daily programme you can take part in science demos in the exhibition demo-bar. Please note that the demos includes dissection of organs from cattle and pigs.
Your body makes a lot of noise, but do you know where in your body all the various sounds come from?
This fun guessing game opens up a whole cacophony of sounds playing in your body, for example as you breathe in and out, digest your food, and when your heart beats. Many of these sounds we do not normally notice, however they give us an indication about how our bodies work and if we are healthy. With some practice perhaps you can even play the sounds as a tune?
Foto: David Trood
How fit are you? Measure your fitness, your strenght and response time with our tests and get an overall assessment of your physical shape. Your fitness rating tells you how good your body is at transporting oxygen, and thus at making it possible for your muscles to work hard.
The heat-sensitive live camera shows the hot and cold spots on the surface of your body. The greater the blood supply to an area of the skin is, the warmer it will be.
You can compare your body surface temperature to the surface temperature of other visitors, and to those of the people on the big wall picture. The wall picture also gives you facts about why some parts of the body are warmer than others.
Your immune system helps to fight infections caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi. And it is extremely efficient – even if you sometimes fall ill.
Step into the Sneeze Simulator, learn how to wash your hands and have a go at the virus game and try using the immune system to fight a virus.
Foto: David Trood
The brain is the most complex organ in your body. Equipped with the latest imaging technologies, researchers are trying to understand how the brain works, and this is your chance to look them over the shoulder.
Equipped with 3D glasses and an advanced 3D computer program, you’ll explore the human brain and get a completely new view on the grey matter that fills your head.
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