The Valley - Find a Friend in Nature
Come and explore our new exhibition 'The Valley – Find a Friend in Nature'. It’s a fun - almost magical - little universe for children aged 3-6 inspired by nature just outside your door.
Nature is the very foundation of our lives, and it’s important that our children grow up with a desire to understand and take care of nature.
This is the backdrop for Experimentarium’s new interactive exhibition ‘The Valley – Find a Friend in Nature’. Here, children aged 3-6 years can become friends with the hedgehog, the squirrel, and the old oak tree in the park, and learn that all living beings – just like you and me – need food and a place to live.
The interactive activities are inspired by the nature often found close to our home. It is the old oak tree in the park, the little pond close by, and the field that overflows with flowers and butterflies in the summertime – all with a little touch of magic, as seen through the imagination of a child.
The activities are very intuitive encouraging both play and exploration, and you’ll find that children and adults alike will just jump right in and get started.
The old oak tree invites you to an adventurous climb, and to go looking for some of the fascinating animals and fungi that live in its crusty bark, roots and branches.
Go fishing at the pond and see what you can catch. There are insects and amphibians in the water – but unfortunately also trash. It’s up to you to investigate, sort, and decide what should go back into the water and what needs to be recycled.
Pick your favorite colors and color in a flower and then give it life! Scan it and see it join the other flowers on the digital meadow attracting butterflies and bees.
Dress up in the colorful butterfly cloaks or turn the cloak around, wrap it up tightly around your body and play as the butterfly larva. This is your chance to play and learn how butterflies and their larvae find food.
Use your senses as you explore and meet the nocturnal creatures and plants. Is the hedgehog scolding us, or is it dreaming sweetly? And where does that lovely smell come from?
Along the way, you can take a break in the cozy reading corners and read the four children’s books made specifically for ‘The Valley – Find a Friend in Nature’. They are all in English as well.
Safe to play and explore
We’ve thought of all the practical details. The exhibition area is covered with soft mats and carpets, and everybody must leave their shoes outside the entrance (you can enter in your socks or indoor shoes). Older siblings are welcome but must be helped to be considerate of others – and there must always be an adult present.
Skrevet af Christian Juul Yssing 11. februar 2025
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