The Tunnel of Senses
The Tunnel of Senses will encourage you to reflect on your senses by taking you through a whole "lifetime" – from the beginning of life in the womb to the sensory decline of old age.
Come to your senses - and explore them in The Tunnel of Senses
Come to your senses - and explore them in The Tunnel of Senses
The Tunnel of Senses takes you on a voyage of discovery in your own sensory apparatur. Here, you can feel, listen and smell your way to new knowledge about human sensation. On the way through The Tunnel of Senses, you move from the protective environment of the womb and the sensory richness of youth to the dimming shadowland of old age.
As a life begins and the foetus grows, all the senses will come into being one by one. Let darkness surround you like it once did in the womb and slowly you become aware of sound – the rhythm of your mother’s heart.
Sansetunnelen på Experimentarium. Foto: David Trood.
For the newborn child, everything is new. The coolness of the air. The solidity of everything. The different smells. The movements of the body. Sensory impressions are wonderful yet difficult to describe. In the reflection room you get a glimpse of how infant’s brain have to work hard to puzzle out “what is what” from this myriad of sensory impressions.
When, as a young person or adult, you move through a green and sweet-smelling forest, your brain is bombarded with signals from your eyes, ears, nose and skin.
But it is also informed about each moving muscle and joint, as well as the position and orientation of your head. All your senses come alive when you take a walk in the woods. As in real life it pays to be observant and take your time exploring. Can you find all the little secrets hiding in the room?
Sansetunnelen på Experimentarium. Foto: David Trood.
As you grow into old age, your senses dulls and some may even begin to fade away. It is hard to find your balance. Taste and smell weakens. Eyesight becomes blurred. Sounds begin to muddle. In the room with the Bright Spots you get a sense of it all, as light fades and the floors seem to impair your movement.
Sansetunnelen på Experimentarium. Foto: David Trood.
Just like in real life, The Tunnel of Senses also comes to an end. Once again you are surrounded by darkness as you go through the final door.
… but you can alway go again!
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