The Beach
At the Beach, you can play and experiment with water. Here, at the edge of the ocean, you dive into the fascinating science of water and learn to respect the sea. Expect to get a little wet!
The Beach is Experimentarium’s water exhibition. Here, you will learn about and develop your respect for the sea as an enjoyable and salty playground. You can also embark on a journey of discovery in the seas around Denmark in our mysterious copper-clad submarine.
Children of all ages are advised to roll up their sleeves or you are bound to get them wet, as you are gripped and fascinated by the science of water.
The beach offers you a chance to learn about the remarkable properties of water in detail. Create a slow-motion wave, learn how a canal lock works, race the rubber duckies – or have a go at making an underwater whirlpool.
Ubåden ved Straden. Foto: David Trood.
Embark with our mysterious submarine and set the course for a virtual underwater safari, which takes you close to the marine life along the Danish coastline.
Here you will find stories about life at sea, and you can investigate the physical properties of water, the most fascinating element of all.
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