The Bubblearium
(Closed from 21. October 2024 to Spring 2025) You simply can't blow an ugly soap bubble. But in The Bubblearium you can make a square soap bubble and a soap bubble so huge that you can stand inside it. Come give it a try!
The Bubblearium is closed from 21. October 2024 to Spring 2025.
The reason is that we are building a new and improved Bubblearium!
The Bubblearium is Experimentarium’s soap bubble area. Here you can blow bubbles, large and small, and discover the fascinating science behind soap bubbles.
The Bubblearium is designed as two soap bubbles merged together. In one “bubble” you can create bubbles. In the other “bubble” there is a laboratory, where you can study the science of bubbles.
In the middle of the exhibition you will find a seating area, where you can enjoy the sight of all the colourful, floating bubbles.
Try making bubbles with your hands. First you dip your hands into the soap bubble liquid. Try to form a ring with your thumb and index finger and make sure a film of soap covers the hole. Then gently blow. With practice, you can make small bubbles with one hand – and large bubbles with both hands. You can grab one bubble and create a new one within another bubble. But only with soapy hands. Dry hands will pop the bubbles.
Try out the different bubble tools, and see and compare the bubbles they make. We have tools for making bubbles in different sizes and shapes – but will a triangular bubble tool make triangular bubbles?
Here, you can be surrounded by a soap bubble and experience what it is like standing right inside it. You can even try closing the bubble above your head.
Big Bubbles – No Troubles!
Have you ever noticed that you can see yourself and your surroundings reflected in a soap bubble. And if you look closer, you can see that the bubble also produces a mirror reflection.
Use the light table, and examine the colours of the soap bubbles by using different coloured lights. Watch how the colours of the bubble change with time as the liquid in the bubble evaporates.
Is it possible to make square bubbles? Yes, it is! In fact, you can make bubbles in all kinds of shapes simply by adding new bubbles which will connect and create new shapes.
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