Be Seen Be Safe
Be Seen Be Safe is an exhibition about traffic safety. Go for a challenging night drive in the Car Simulator and see the point of reflective gear in the Dark Corridor.
Be Seen Be Safe consists of two activities that highlights how difficult it is for pedestrians and cyclists to be seen in traffic when it’s dark out.
Strap yourself in! You’ll be in the driver’s seat in this Car Simulator that simulates a drive when it’s dark out. Test your reaction time in the dark – it will not be easy! Will everybody come home safe and sound?
Fra udstillingen Bliv set.
Foto: David Trood
In dim light it is difficult to see clearly, and that can lead to dangerous situations in traffic. But you can help the cars to see you by wearing reflective gear. What can you see in the dark corridor? Will the reflective gear help you out?
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