The Puzzler
The exhibition allows visitors to discover that mathematics is exciting, fun, and even achievable. Adults and children alike discover that they have the mental strength and ability to engage in mathematics.
The exhibition allows visitors to discover that mathematics is exciting, fun, and even achievable. Adults and children alike discover that they have the mental strength and ability to engage in mathematics.
Visitors’ spatial intelligence is challenged when they place several small boxes inside one large box. The small boxes have holes in the sides so that they can be handled easily. In this new version, the same small boxes fit into two different large boxes. In this way, the visitors automatically re-set the exhibit for the next visitors, and the floor doesn’t get covered with boxes.
In this classic exercise of mathematical logic, visitors receive a response when they make a mistake. Visitors must transport a fox, a chicken, and a corn cob across the river. There is only room for one object on the ferry. The transport must take place in a certain order, so that the fox doesn’t eat the chicken, which mustn’t eat the corn, etc. when they are left on the bank.
The game board and its pieces have magnetic switches attached, which register where the objects are and turns on a light when they are positioned incorrectly.
The answers to the puzzles are shown as short films on an iPad. Visitors can pause the films whenever they want. In this way, a visitor can choose to get one clue at a time and experience the satisfaction of solving the rest of the puzzle themselves.
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