The Port
The Port focuses on global trade: how transport of raw materials and goods has changed production and consumption all over the world. The Port consists of three areas: A huge ball track, a ship and an oil platform.
Photo: David Trood
The Port focuses on global trade: how transport of raw materials and goods has changed production and consumption all over the world. The Port consists of three areas: A huge ball track, a ship and an oil platform.
This exhibit shows the physical differences between transport on the road, by rail and by sea. How difficult is it to move a tonne on different types of surfaces with different frictional resistance? The exhibit consists of three different areas where visitors can, by means of tug of war, feel the difference. The visitor can read his or her energy consumption on a screen and see how this corresponds to fuel consumption in the world.
Storm at sea.
In the wind tunnel, visitors can experience different wind speeds on their own body. The rising storm can be followed on the Beaufort scale on the video wall, where the bridge of a container ship acts as a viewpoint for visitors. The wind speed in the tunnel is adapted to the different video sequences to give the visitor a realistic experience of a storm in the North Atlantic.
The ball track simulates the global transport of goods and is set up as a game where many participants need to work together. A pully ensures that the balls are sent off using different means of transport. The balls symbolise goods that need to be processed correctly. Visitors learn more about CO2 emissions from different transportations.
The ball track.
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