House of Inventions
All inventions stand on the shoulders of other inventions – which might surprise visitors who only connect technology with present day digital inventions. The exhibition illustrates how a wide range of inventions was created.
Photo: David Trood
All inventions stand on the shoulders of other inventions – which might surprise visitors who only connect technology with present day digital inventions. The exhibition illustrates how a wide range of inventions was created.
Visitors can experience how easy it is to program a robot. They build a labyrinth of small building blocks. Then the visitors literally takes the robot arm by the hand and leads it through the labyrinth. The robot is now programmed to find its way through the labyrinth.
Visitors can also compete against the robot to find out who is the fastest to stack six sticks on top of each other.
The robot is fast and precise and learns easily
3D Sound
The visitor sits in a ’cockpit’ surrounded by buttons and wearing headphones. When one of the buttons lights up, a sound can be heard in the headphones. In the beginning, all the sounds are mixed up and can be heard in both ears so the visitor doesn’t get any help to determine where the sound comes from. Then the 3D sound is turned on and the sounds are played again in the headphones so the direction of the sound corresponds to where the buttons are located.
Five display cases show how the ostomy bag was invented, via short videos, artefacts and questions. The visitor is invited to follow an inventor, observe, experiment and learn to see new opportunities in well-known objects.
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