Contact and Booking
Looking for a venue that's a little out of the ordinary for your meeting, team building or event? Look no further! Fill out the contact form or simply just give us a call.
Whether you are hosting a meeting, conference, team building event, or Christmas party, we have the perfect venue for it.
And on top of that, you always have free access to our 27,000 square meters of fun, interactive science exhibits during your visit.
For example, combine your meeting or dinner event with guided tours or fun team building activities in the exhibitions. It will be an experience you, your team or your guests will never forget.
When you choose Experimentarium as your venue, you help us fulfill our purpose of inspiring children and young people’s curiosity for science, technology, and sustainability.
Contact us by by filling out a non-binding booking inquiry in the Contact Form below – and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
You can also contact us directly by phone or e-mail.
Phone: +45 5077 8983
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