Experimentarium’s mission
Millions of bubbles have been blown and countless experiments have sizzled since Experimentarium opened in 1991.
Photo: Adam Mørk
Millions of bubbles have been blown and countless experiments have sizzled since Experimentarium opened in 1991.
Experimentarium is Denmark’s leading science center. Since 1991, we have explored the world through science and technology together with millions of curious children and adults.
Experimentarium is a non-profit foundation. Our aim is to stimulate people’s interest in science and technology and to increase their awareness of scientific and technological methods and research. Our target audience is everybody, but we have a special focus on children and teenagers.
At Experimentarium learning and playing goes naturally hand-in-hand. We have 30 years of experience disseminating complex subjects through play and experimentation. That’s why everything at Experimentarium is designed to be touched and manipulated.
Our goal is to transform our visitors – to move them towards a deeper understanding of, and appreciation for, the way the natural sciences and technology impact our lives. We want to bring out the scientist in all our guests, and inspire them to ask questions – and question the answers they are given.
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